2025 Copper Substitution Report – Packages

Please contact us for detailed prices and further options colin.bennett@mm-markets.com or krisztina.kalman

1.        Substitution Presentation 2025

A summary of the copper/aluminium messages and key substitution information gathered during the survey to provide an overview of substitution. A low cost option perfect for those seeking high level messages without in-depth data sets.

2.        Substitution Presentation 2025 & Full Substitution Datasets  

This package, in addition to the presentation, includes the full substitution datasets in terms of % YoY development and substitution loss in tonnage, for semi-fabricated product categories and geographic regions. The package includes:

·     Datasets for copper use, substitution and miniaturisation (in tonnage copper use lost) covering 2019-2024, and forecast 2025-2030, for semi-fabricated product categories and geographic regions (shown below).

·      Investigation of substitution drivers and relevance of absolute and relative material prices as substitution drivers.

·      Highlight applications, and geographic regions with specific substitution developments.

·      Trend analysis for substitution.

3.        Customised Investigation & Additional Datasets

The work can be extended with client-specific and confidential information/investigation, for example:

·      Copper, aluminium substitution data analysed for specific geographic regions and semis products.

·      Copper, aluminium substitution data for end use applications.

·      Market shares for geographic regions, copper applications etc.

·      Deep dive into certain applications, geographic regions or trends.

·      Regulatory investigation.

·      Long-term market and substitution forecast.

·      Conclusions for marketing, investment and procurement.

·      Any further specific data required for demand modelling.

Base Structure of Full Substitution Datasets 

Copper use lost due to substitution and miniaturization, broken out for the following categories:

Copper semis products

Low Voltage Energy Cable

·       Building Wire

·       Automotive Wire

·      Equipment Wire

Power Cable

·       Industrial Power Cable

·       Utility Power Cable

Telecom / Data Cable

·       External Telecom Cable

·       Internal Telecom/Data Cable

Winding Wire

·       Electric Motors

·       Transformers

·       Other Winding Wire

Bare Cu Wire & RBS

·       Copper RBS

·       Bare Wire

Cu / Alloy PSSF

·       Electrical / Electronic PSSF

·      Other PSSF

Copper Tube

·     Plumbing Tube

·     Industrial Tube

Alloys and Other Products

·     Alloy RBS

·     Alloy Tube

·     Alloy Wire

·     Foundry Products

·     Other Non Mill Products

Geographic regions

Europe & Africa

·       Select countries

Asia & Oceania

·       Select countries

North America

Latin America


Please contact us for detailed prices and options colin.bennett@mm-markets.com or krisztina.kalman

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