About Us

Colin Bennett, Partner
Having worked for global organisations all of his career, Colin is an experienced industry and market researcher, a senior and successful leader with many years of combined industry supply chain, consulting, communications and management practice. He has extensive experience in building and leading projects, and in creating highly professional market insights. He has a proven ability to inspire, build and manage, and with a unique mix of expertise and entrepreneurial spirit. Colin is often requested by important bodies such as government, regulators and the media to give his views. His expert metal is copper. LinkedIn profile: coppercolinbennett Email: colin.bennett@mm-markets.com

Krisztina Kalman-Schueler, Partner
MM Markets is an international management consultancy providing strategy, commercial and technical consulting services for the metals, mining and materials sectors. Krisztina has gathered over 20 years expertise in strategy and management consulting. Her commodity focus has been copper, aluminium, steel, iron, nickel chromium, gold, PGMs, and diamonds. She developed and led a number of relevant projects including strategy development, custom-made market investigation and outlook, evaluation of material movements, value chain study, market entry analysis, project evaluation, and due diligence. Her list of clients includes several mining majors, metal producers, junior mining companies, investors, and sector bodies. She has a Bachelor degree from the University of Cologne, Germany, and an MBA from NYU Stern Business School New York, USA. She regularly speaks at international conferences. Email: krisztina.kalman@mm-markets.com


NORTH AMERICA: Stephen Knapp has worked for numerous trade and industry organizations in North America, hand-in-hand with global partners. He has been involved with many product and material sectors, primarily metals, and mining, building construction, transportation, and energy, electrical, and renewables markets. Key tasks included crafting long-term strategic and market opportunity plans, developing and managing green and sustainability programs, regulatory and code activity, and creating technical content for sector participants. He has in-depth knowledge and experience covering the North American recycling industry.
LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephen-a-w-knapp-557ab130/. Email: stephen.knapp@mm-markets.com
Mining and Materials Markets Ltd., based in London England, has been created to look across trending and future issues to offer multi-materials strategic and market development insights and advice. If you would like to discuss a project with us please do contact colin.bennett@mm-markets.com or Krisztina.kalman@mm-markets.com