Flow modelling reveals the big picture of material flows, usually on a global and regional level, enabling further investigation into detailed and unchartered sectors. Unless a flow model is very basic, the data behind the modelling will be extensive, the interconnections between the data complex, and at select points, verifiable/trusted data in the modelling will support necessary assumption calculations. Used correctly, flow models may reveal sectors of material flow which were previously less understood, enabling the whole of the model data to be improved, and the whole of the flow view to be shown. Once flow models are up and running, which might in itself take some years of investigation, sets of useful indicators can be revealed covering crucial figures such as recycling rates. Public flow models, such as the following examples, offer a fascinating look across some key metals:
- Aluminium: https://alucycle.international-aluminium.org/public-access/public-global-cycle/
- Copper: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/es400069b
- Nickel: https://nickelinstitute.org/policy/nickel-life-cycle-management/nickel-stocks-and-flows/
- Steel https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/254322/1/1802128042.pdf
Flow models are not only for public use and showing the big picture. Organisations throughout the supply chain have their own view on the world, modelled in detail to reveal specific answers. For example, mining companies must understand the development of recycled material since it impacts virgin production/capacity/investment. At the other end of the spectrum, downstream, OEMs are growing more sophisticated models in order to understand the upstream! In an article on flow models, it would be remiss not to mention product life times. Behind most modelling, the estimated life times of products are a crucial factor. Adjusted up or down, life times have the greatest impact on model outputs. MM Markets is across this type of modelling and we can help you achieve your business goals.
Thank you, and until next time!
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