At MM Markets we offer a multi-material approach to sustainability and ESG benchmarking. The focus is on comparing how different metals and materials perform against a pre-agreed sustainability and ESG criteria, defining differences in the approach, and the reasons for those, and suggesting best practice ways forward for each participating material. The output is used for strategic planning.
Decarbonisation is an important issue for all materials and products. However, each material has its own specific issues and solutions. A benchmarking initiative investigates how each material is meeting the challenge of decarbonisation, on the company and association level, and to what extent the materials can learn from each other.
Benchmarking may also extend to understanding recurring issues. For example, material substitution is prevalent in power cables, winding wires and also increasingly low voltage cables. Intelligence suggests that Aluminium is slowly substituting out copper as the main conductor material. Market participants agree that the main drivers are relative and absolute material costs. However, substitution is led by a combination of different drivers including regulations, technical requirements, material weight, risk of fault in centralized networks, other possibilities to reduce system costs etc. Look out for details of our upcoming 2025 Substitution report!
In the world of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), there is fierce competition among copper, Aluminium and partially stainless steel. With a focused plan, either material may be used more widely in HVAC applications, and throughout the manufacturer geographies. The HVAC market is high profile among manufacturers (competition, quality and technological development are strong focuses) and HVAC equipment demand is growing at a fast rate!
Thank you, and until next time!
If you would like to discuss a project with us, please do contact me colin.bennett@mm-markets.com or krisztina.kalman@mm-markets.com
MM Markets personal view. Freepik.com.